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Home Automation Using Node-Red and Arduino

This is still a work in progress and will continue to be updated! I've finally started my home automation project. This is a rundown of how I'm making it happen and some of the problems I encountered along the way. The hardware involved includes: Raspberry Pi 3B with touchscreen Many Wemos D1 Minis with various shields Various sensors relays and other components At the heart of this project is a Raspberry Pi with a touchscreen display. Node-Red comes pre-installed with Raspbian so the only software that needed to be added was an MQTT broker. This had to be installed and setup to run at boot. MQTT is how all the devices communicate and any broker could be used but I chose to run my own directly on the Raspberry Pi.   First install Mosquitto. sudo apt - get update sudo apt - get upgrade sudo apt - get dist - upgrade sudo apt - get install mosquitto mosquitto - clients It should start every time the Pi boots. You also have to make Node-Red run at boot by runni...

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